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CV Design: 4 Rules You Need To Know Today

If you are starting your job search, the first thing on your list is to create a new CV design or update the one you already use. The idea of ​​exploring new opportunities is exciting. But how can you keep yourself in the minds of potential employers who have started an onboarding process when they receive hundreds of applications every day? The answer is: With a bit of work and imagination.

4 Tips to make an excellent CV design

So whether you’re using a resume builder or trying to do it from scratch, some rules apply and what you need to abide by (and that you probably didn’t know existed). However, we are sure that these tips will help you get a job.

1. Custom headers are crucial

Making a good first impression is one of the most complex parts of the job search. However, you can achieve high impact more efficiently with a good headboard.

The CV header is the first thing employers or human resource managers will see when they receive the documents. That’s why this resume area is your first chance to get their attention. By customizing this section to your personality, you’ll be more likely to be considered a candidate for the position.

Images look great in the header area. However, make sure it isn’t too cluttered, or it will make it difficult to read. If you don’t have a good image in your hands, a text with your key information will work just as well, as long as the section doesn’t look cluttered.

With a custom header, you’ll have a better chance of getting to the next step of getting your resume read. You could start with a SWOT analysis of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. And take what you think makes you competitive and include it in this section of the CV design.

2. Custom structure is a requirement

Creating elegant, clean resumes and reflecting your personality in an easy-to-digest way will help you get that job you crave.

A few years ago, CVs were simply a list of your work experience and education. Each item had its paragraph of text. However, today you should try to focus more on making a short and beautiful resume design.

You can achieve this with a column structure that allows you to make the most of the entire page, rather than presenting your information from right to left in list form.

A column structure will allow you to dedicate one of them to your contact information and perhaps a tiny photograph unless you’ve already used one in your header.

To make it more visual, you can also put snippets of information like references, education, and skills in that first column, even in bar graph form. This way, you will have more space in other columns to write about your experience.

With this simple resume layout, anyone reading your resume will be able to get all the relevant information they need to know about you at a glance.

3. Use icons

We know that employers and human resource managers are very busy people. Therefore, using visual elements will help them to notice your resume more. Icons are a great tool to use in your CV, either to give information or break your text’s monotony.

For example, if you have experience creating videos, you can use a video reel icon or a play button to illustrate that skill. Creative and clever use of icons will make your resume design look more attractive and easier to remember.

4. Limit your use of fonts

It can be tempting to use every possible font on your resume to show how creative you are. But this area is one where less is more. Using too many fonts will make your resume difficult to read, so try to limit yourself to two or three at most.

Choose a font for the titles, another for the subtitles, and finally, one for the general text of the document’s body.

The idea is that you make your resume easy to scan. So the suitable typefaces will do wonders for you to land a job interview.


Companies today invest more time in engaging their employees. A well-thought-out, easy-to-read resume design will show potential employers that you’re ready to put in the effort from the moment you apply.

However, remember to add evidence of your knowledge and background to your resume since you can add the URL of your website or portfolio where they can expand this information.

By combining your unique skills and these resume writing tips, you should be able to land your dream job in no time.

Also Read: Trends In Human Resources Management For The Year 2022

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