HomeARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEArtificial Intelligence And Marketing

Artificial Intelligence And Marketing

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has been with us for several decades. However, it is now really transforming the world through its many applications. If its name sounds familiar to you, but you need help understanding what it consists of, today we will learn its meaning through several practical examples. Although we cannot see it, it is increasingly present in our day to day.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

The concept of intelligence is something that, as human beings, we mainly associate with our species. As far as our knowledge goes, no other has been able to surpass it. The debate about whether a machine could achieve this has been open for years. Although this may not be the case, advances in Artificial Intelligence show that distances can be reduced in specific tasks.

So how can we define Artificial Intelligence? Although the exact definition is somewhat complex due to its operation, it allows machines to solve problems or situations that, until now, only humans have solved.

Through AI, a machine can listen to or read messages we emit and interpret them so that they can offer an answer according to what is expected. In other words, they manage to learn by themselves and can replace humans in various functions.

One of the most notable differences between AI and human capabilities is that a machine can collect and process information and draw conclusions from it. Hence, currently, its main uses are focused on digital marketing since the interpretation of data allows for improving the decisions that are made and makes the strategies more effective and personalized for each client.

Since its development is advancing by leaps and bounds, more and more companies are betting on it. Specifically, around half of those dedicated to marketing already incorporate it into their strategies, and close to 30% are in the process.

Artificial intelligence in our day to day

To better understand how artificial intelligence works, the most effective thing is to know its applications daily since what matters is how we can benefit from it. And in fact, they are not too far away, since even our mobile phone already uses them.

If you have ever gone by car and have made a query in Google Maps to know the available routes and the amount of traffic at the moment you leave, you are making use of AI. This is responsible for analyzing the data from the state of the roads in real time and transferring them to your device.

Voice assistants and chatbots are some of the most popular applications. In the case of the former, when we go to Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, Amazon’s Alexa, or Google’s assistant to give them an order. The system interprets our message and acts accordingly or provides us with an answer. In turn, it learns about our tastes as we interact with them. In this way, each time, it is perfected and can even get ahead of what we need.

Social networks are a little behind too, and the content we view is configured based on complex algorithms. The interaction with these is so frequent that the latter has a lot of information. From it, they can know, even better than ourselves, what our preferences are from the content we give a “like.” Other personalized recommendations based on the analysis of our activity and priorities are those that appear in music or streaming applications in general.

In conclusion, the purpose of artificial intelligence in our daily life is to offer us what we need at all times before we ask for it and only show us what is in accordance with our preferences.

Artificial intelligence in digital marketing

Digital marketing refers to all the strategies implemented to make a company more attractive to its target audience and promote its products and services through various online tools and platforms. But given the growing number of companies and the ease of accessing many of them through electronic commerce, if you want to attract a specific group of consumers, it is essential to adapt to their needs and offer them the most personalized experience possible.

In recent years, more than a product or service’s characteristics have been needed to seduce a consumer. Nowadays, attention is paid to the company’s values, its ability to respond to queries via the route and the moment it requests, or the degree of customization and adjustment to what it is looking for.

Artificial intelligence is responsible for achieving and integrating all these objectives into a company. Although little progress has yet been made in the field of creativity, this technology does allow us to obtain a large amount of information about consumer preferences and behaviours, as we will see below. Its analytical capacity far exceeds that of humans.

But also, as we said, it allows you to customize everything a user sees, not only about the content but also the marketing campaigns that target it, through segmentation and the definition of the buyer persona of each company.

Applications in digital marketing

If we get fully into how artificial intelligence is changing different areas of digital marketing, we can differentiate four main categories.

Predictive analysis of user needs

Predictive analysis is a series of techniques that analyze current and historical data to predict the future.

With all the data obtained, those that can add value and those that cannot are separated. Those that do will be analyzed with artificial intelligence and mathematical techniques to extract behaviour patterns and preferences.

At the business level, predictive analytics is used to detect the risk level. This is a very useful aspect in the insurance sector because it allows contracting rates to be adjusted to the profile of each client.

Content creation

The Natural Language Processing or NLP technology that computers use allows them to process information, learn from it, organize it, and generate new content from all of the above. But most striking is that you can only create text or suggestions, as we said in the previous point. But it can use an expressiveness very similar to that of a human.

In addition to writing, artificial intelligence is also used in machine translations. Google Translator is the best-known example. Thanks to its neural networks, it translates a text and gives it an interpretation that also imitates the human.

Customer relationship management

Artificial intelligence also facilitates the management of the relationship with each client through CRM. This software allows the customer database to be classified to customize marketing campaigns. Also, with the information extracted, customer service is improved, and loyalty and general satisfaction are facilitated.

Digital advertising

Artificial intelligence in digital advertising can be quite familiar to us. Every time we access a web page, we get a message that notifies us of the cookie policy and our data management. Beyond the functions necessary for correct viewing, the most advanced seek to personalize all the content we see.


Currently, it is the large corporations that incorporate artificial intelligence to a greater extent. And through the most advanced platforms, such as Oracle Cloud, IBM, or Microsoft Azure. Social networks are just a little behind either, mainly nourishing by offering relevant content to their users. And within CRM, HubSpot and Salesforce are in the lead.

Advances continue to happen, and artificial intelligence is increasingly present in our lives. Therefore, in a relatively short time, the use of this technological tool will normalize, as has happened with Big Data or CRM’s help. As consumers, large corporations will continue to analyze our data to personalize experiences further. As companies, it is necessary to enter this new world, even if it is progressive. Whoever needs to adapt to new trends runs the risk of being left out of the market.

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