Jenkins architecture consists primarily of two elements, Jenkins master andSlaves. Jenkins Master: Jenkins master contains key configuration like Plugins, Jobs, Users, Global Security, Logs and more. It uses TCP/IP…
Mac OS Install Homebrew Installation of Jenkins on MacOS can be performed using Homebrew. If Homebrew is not already installed,…
The main branches MasterDevelop Master branch by default exists in a remote repository when the repository is initialized and first…
Create new branch New branch can be created using "git branch"command. Here new branch name is "branch1". This will create…
Note: Before starting this, let's assume initial setup of Git and GitHub is already done. First create a directory on…
What is Git Git is an open source distributed version control system which can be installed on users' machines and…
SCM is the process of managing the source code of software application/s in a centralized, managed place known as Source…