HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGWhat Is Domain Authority? How To Boost Website Domain Authority In 2022

What Is Domain Authority? How To Boost Website Domain Authority In 2022


Google considers a series of relevant factors to position content on the first pages of its search engine. Generally, these first positions are reserved for pages with valuable and relevant user content. But in these top positions, you can also see sites with higher domain authority.

What is domain authority?

Domain authority is a concept used to determine the degree of popularity of a web page. This popularity is usually measured by the number and quality of the links that go to this website. These links give an authority that Google considers for the page’s web positioning.

That is why the more authority a domain has, the more opportunities it will have to be in the first places of search engines like Google. In this way, and from the SEO point of view, domain authority is one of the most critical factors for a web page.

Authority of a domain vs. page authority

Along with the domain authority, another of the metrics that you must control for the SEO of the web is the authority of the page. This concept is similar to domain authority but applied to a specific page. It can therefore be said that page authority is a metric that makes sense in a comparative context, while domain authority is more absolute.

The main difference between the two is that page authority works for individual pages, and domain authority works for the entire domain and subdomains. But as with the domain, the higher the page’s authority, the better positioned it will be in Google.

Page authority is also based on the number and value of links received. However, it is also necessary to ensure that the page’s content is updated and that it has the most appropriate keywords. Hence, perhaps the most advisable thing is to work on the page’s authority first and then go to the domain authority.

How to know if a domain is authoritative

Once you know what the authority of a domain is and what the authority of the page is, it is time to consider how to know the authority of a domain. A measurement that seems fundamental since its result will directly influence the positioning of your website and its visibility on Google.

Various tools help you check domain authority. Pages and companies like Alexa, Moz, and Ahrefs serve to obtain different relevant data about the domain authority. With each one of them, you will even be able to check the evolution of this authority during the last months.

These tools have the advantage of differentiating between domain authority and page authority. Moz is perhaps the most accessible and intuitive to use, although it should be noted that they are tools that do not offer a degree of precision of 100%. Instead, they provide an estimate of the authority your domain and page have.

How to increase domain authority

To increase domain authority, the web content must be quality. Otherwise, it will be challenging for you to increase that authority. Correcting duplicate content and spreading your posts through a blog or social networks will also greatly help.

From here, it is essential to get quality links. As far as possible, try to ensure that these links come from pages in the same sector or market niche with more authority than your website. If so, you will have managed to increase the authority of your domain. Likewise, we will also have to take care of the internal linking.

On the other hand, if users spend more time on the web, the authority of the domain increases. Therefore, aspects such as navigability or loading speed must be improved, so visitors stay longer on the page. These aspects will be taken into account by Google to give your website greater authority and position it better.

In short, domain authority is key for your page to be positioned at the top of Google. The popularity, reliability, and user experience offered by your site are key to enjoying greater authority. It is true that having this authority is a complex task and in which you will have to invest a lot of time. But it may depend on its excellent results that you obtain greater visibility on the internet due to better positioning and that your business has maximum success.

Also Read: Web Domain Authority: A Critical Factor In SEO Strategies


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