Are you one of those who save all the photos you have? Are you embarrassed to delete WhatsApp conversations? Do you keep email messages from centuries ago? You have digital Diogenes syndrome, but nothing happens: many of us stay useless things in case we need them at some point. Also, they don’t take up space.
For those who do not want to clean their folders, the famous “Cloud” was born. Here we propose two to store all the data you want.
It is the storage of the platform that we all know, Google.
We can add documents, store them and later edit them with Docs. Something very, very useful is synchronizing all the documents that we have saved on any device. Perfect if you forget a document at home that will keep your life at work, or the battery of your mobile decides to run out. We know it has ever happened to you!
Google’s strong point is that we have 15 gigabytes to store everything we want. Don’t worry, and it won’t cost you anything to have all the photos of your first communion to show to your future children. I’m sure they’ll be very excited to see them.
Also, it doesn’t matter if you’re on Android or iOS or have your heart divided between the two. Google Drive won’t make you choose between any of them because you can use it on your devices, regardless of the operating system.
Indeed it has happened to you that your computer or mobile has decided to break at the most inopportune moment. Well, forget about the stress of thinking that you have erased half your life by losing all the documents you had. Backup and all fixed!
For hardcore Apple fans, iCloud is the best alternative.
The well-known Apple tried to buy Dropbox but failed in the acquisition. It started from scratch with iCloud, and since 2012 they have achieved 150 million users. Nothing wrong with it!
If you have more than one Apple device, such as a Mac, iPhone, iWatch, iPad, or Apple TV, you are in luck because you will have all the devices synchronized. And in addition to synchronizing photos, videos, and documents, we can also synchronize applications.
The downside to Google Drive is that it’s only 5GB of iCloud Drive storage that you can use for free. In addition to those 5 GB, you also have to subtract the calendars, contacts, emails, backup copies of iOS devices, photo libraries in iCloud and WhatsApp conversations.
Suppose neither of them has convinced you yet. We also offer you One Drive, box, Dropbox, or Mediafire, among others.
We are saved! We will no longer have to erase any photons from that concert.